Returning counselors and staff members
Please read the Counselor Welcome letter from Chief City Counselor Matthew Hartman
To apply to be a Virginia Boys State Counselor, meet these criteria:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- If you attended Boys State, there must be at least one year between attendance at Boys State and serving as a counselor
- Have no criminal record
- Undergo a background check — cost is $16.00
Background checks are required of all staff members who are involved with the boys of Boys State. We must attest to Radford University that all Virginia Boys State staff are of the highest caliber and with no criminal histories involving crimes against children. This process is to protect the program, you, and the participants.
This button opens a new window in your browser and takes you to the secure American Legion page for background checks. Follow the instructions to apply for Boys State counselor.
June 2024 Virginia Boys State Counselors and Staff
Join our team and submit the application below:
Preference for counselor positions is given to Legion members and sons of American Legion members.
Matthew Hartman
Chief City Counselor, Virginia Boys State of The American Legion